Giuseppe TORELLI
Concerto pour trompette et cordes en ré majeur
'Estienne Roger 188', P.A.2.2.18
Maurice ANDRÉ
Wiener Solisten, 22-23 juillet 1969, Wien
Maurice ANDRÉ enregistra ce disque pour Erato à Vienne, les 22 et 23 juillet 1969 avec les «Wiener Solisten». La composition de cet ensemble telle que donnée au verso de la pochette du disque Erato STU 70548: Guenter PICHLER, violon solo, Lynn BLAKESLEE, Paul ROCZEK, Peter KATT, Irmgard SCHUSTER, Ernst KOVACIC, violons, Hatto BEYERLE, Jurgen GEISE, altos, Dankwart GAHL, Wilfried TACHESI, violoncelles, Heinrich SCHNEIKART, contrebasse, Gertrud JEMILLER, clavecin Wittmayer. C'est la réédition sur le disque The Musical Heritage Society Inc. MHS 1189 qui fut utilisée pour cette restauration.
Quelques brèves précisions sur le concerto de Torelli: il fut composé à Bologne vers 1690 et tient son nom de l'imprimeur et éditeur franco-néerlandais qui le publia à Amsterdam vers 1715. Son origine est toutefois controversée:
"[...] The Concerto in D Major, often attributed to Torelli, has controversial origins The work did not appear in the San Petronio archives, even though the rest of his works did. Instead, Concerto in D Major was published in 1715 by Estienne Roger as part of a collection of six works by Bitti, Vivaldi, and Torelli as a gift to a wealthy patron and friend, Monsieur Leon d’Urbino. Authorship for the pieces is not specified on each concerto, only on the title page. Therefore, music publishers have long assumed the last two works belong to Torelli because his name is listed last. Recent analysts such as J M Schlitz find stylistic anomalies that suggest other composers may be reflected in these concertos as well. There is also evidence that proposes that different composers could have written each movement, since some parts of Concerto in D Major look more similar to works by Corelli and Albinoni. For instance, the complex harmonies of the second movement sound like a work that Corelli might have composed. » cité d'un texte de Taylor O'Hanlon, 2018, publié dans A Senior Recital in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Music, Davidson Music Center, California Polytechnic State University
Voici donc...
Giuseppe Torelli, Concerto pour trompette et cordes en ré majeur 'Estienne Roger 188', P.A.2.2.18, Maurice André, Wiener Solisten, 22-23 juillet 1969, Wien